Love Letter to Luang Prabang

I came back for a third time, because I was so bewitched by your beauty, grace and serenity. I couldn’t stay away.  I am drawn to your long, lovely streets filled with beautiful architecture and peaceful temples, the little lanes overflowing with life. Orchids hanging from pots on almost every doorstep. The shimmering waters of the Nam Kahn and Mekong, holding the town in their arms. The glowing, iridescent light with the sunrise in the morning, and the sunset at evening. (I will forgive you the relentless mid-day sun, when I would have paid you to turn it down a few notches.) Thank you for the gentle days and nights, the opportunity to slow down and breathe it all in, to reset my mind and my heart. I’m sad to leave, but I must. I hope I’m leaving having made the town, especially the Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre a little better than it was. The people who I have met here will forever be a part of me, and I am thankful for their hospitality and kindness, making me feel welcome and a part of the community for this short time. The experience here has been everything I had hoped for, and more. I am eternally grateful.

As the sun sets on my time in Luang Prabang, here are some night images I made. I’m always fascinated by the mystery of the night, a closed door, and the life contained therein.